
Netflix’s ‘Dance Of The 41’ Highlights One On Mexico’s Biggest LGBTQ+ Scandals

The Dance of the 41 is one of the most infamous moments in LGBTQ+ history in Mexico. The story of men dancing in secret, with half of them dressed as women, finally got the Netflix treatment it deserves.


Man Records His Mother’s Vile Anti-Gay Religious Rant After He Tells Her He Is Engaged

A gay man recorded the angry reaction from his mother when he told her that he was engaged. The moment captured on social media sparked a discussion of toxic homophobia in the Latino community.


A Gay Single Father Of 3 Is Using TikTok To Share His Family’s Love With The World

I interviewed a single gay dad about his popular TikTok videos showing life as a single gay dad in NYC. We touched on his story, the importance of family, and the wonderful world of being a social media content creator.


Here’s What My White Husband Has Learned About The Latino Culture One Day At A Time

After getting married, I created a post showcaing the culture shock of my husband entering into a Cuban family.


Famous Latinos And Their Coming Out Stories Are The Beautiful Things You Need To See To Know Love Is Love

Social media has created a large network for LGBTQ+ people around the world to connect and feel seen. With large platforms, these celebrities coming out are giving even more space for young LGBTQ+ people to live out of the closet.


These 25 Latinos Are Out, Loud, And Proud

Being out, loud, and proud is a political statement as well as a way to make the lives of so many that much easier. These 25 celebrities have used their fame to show ever more people that it is okay to be LGBTQ+.